This is a print; I made some Shutterfly cards out of this one. Appreciated most by New Orleaneans who have waited for the streetcar in these conditions!

Another that might make a nice card.

This is the sort of smaller watercolor that you could try to sell as an original. Most of these are somewhere around 8.5” x 11”


This is a print . . . a bit larger.

A pen and ink that I put in a frame.

Another smaller watercolor

I should be able to find these prints. Pen and ink that Dad had reproduced.

Another smaller watercolor. Could provide the original.

smaller watercolor that I put in a frame. Or at least had matted . . .

I believe Dad had these reproduced as well.

Not sure how many of these are still around. I have a couple of them framed. I was going to see if Preservation Hall wanted one . . . enough to kedep it on permanent display?

This is a sketch that Dad had put in a frame. If I started pulling pages out of his sketchbooks, there would be dozens and dozens . . . I could likely say hundreds of these. They might have certain attraction . . . if sold as framed originals?

This wel represents Dad’s experiments with jazz paintings. These are all a bit larger. Interestingly, he did this one in 1994—he started with this style in the 1960s and kept playing around with it . . . creating drawings from his sketches, and doing them on newsprint . . .